01. Balak airean
02. Banpiroak
03. Katuarena
04. Garai honetan
01. Balak airean
02. Banpiroak
03. Katuarena
04. Garai honetan
05. Eskua
06. Oraindik ez dakizun arren
01. What we can’t see with our eyes
02. Let it take everything from you
03. Min
04. A perfect war
01. What we can’t see with our eyes
02. Let it take everything from you
03. Min
04. A perfect war
05. Collapse in slow motion
06. Realization: Punish myself, hope to find the truth
07. Me, myself and the darkness
01. The Order Of The Shadows
02. REM
03. Dark Tranquility
04. Lifeless
01. The Order Of The Shadows
02. REM
03. Dark Tranquility
04. Lifeless
05. Eternal
06. The Last Sunrise
07. The Singing Of Sirens
08. Invocation
09. Shinigami (Bonus track)
01. Más de lo que ves
02. La rueda
03. Nora noa
04. Caminando
01. Más de lo que ves
02. La rueda
03. Nora noa
04. Caminando
05. Voy buscándote
06. Gure bazterrak
07. Al límite
08. Paso de largo
01. Lehertu da
02. Ezin ulertu
03. Gezur
04. Lurra ukitu
01. Lehertu da
02. Ezin ulertu
03. Gezur
04. Lurra ukitu
05. Otsaila