
Herriko Burdina, Euskal Herriko metal paganoari buruzko artikulu batean

Donna Weston ikerlariak Basque Pagan Metal: View to a primordial past artikulua idatzi zuen 2011n, eta Herriko Burdina webgunea aipatzen du. Jonathan Pernia (Hex) musikariari esker izan dugu horren berri.

Hona hemen artikuluaren hitzaurrea:

This article explores the genre of Pagan Metal, specifically located in the Basque country, in an aim to define what kind of identity it represents. It is argued that Basque Pagan Metal expresses a specific musical identity, with links to the ideology of the 1980s Basque punk movement Rock Radikal. Further, Basque Pagan Metal has diverged from this musical heritage, in that the identity it expresses is apolitical: while Rock Radikal expressed an openly political identity, that expressed in Basque Pagan Metal is explicitly culturalist, resonating more with primordial nationalism espoused by the ‘father of Basque nationalism’, Sabino Arana. A discussion of the genre within the social and cultural context of the rise of Basque nationalism in the late 19th century, the emergence of radical nationalism, and the Rock Radikal movement, is problematized through a discussion of interpretation versus intent. The group Numen is put forward as a representative case study.

Herriko Burdina atariari egiten dion aipamena, berriz, jarraian duzue:

The Extreme Metal scene in the Basque country, of which Pagan Metal is a part, is well represented (given a population of approximately 2.7 million in the Spanish Basque country, according to 2006 figures). The Basque webzine Herriko Burdina (Metal Nation, www.herrikoburdina.net) lists 286 Extreme and Heavy Metal groups from the Spanish Basque provinces (Bizkaia 131, Araba 29, Gipuzkoa 74, Nafarroa 52), and 22 from the French Basque provinces. These artists span a range of genres such as Hard Rock, Death Metal, Black Metal, Grindcore and Mathcore; however, the list is domi- nated by the more extreme styles. Of these groups, 14 are described as Black Metal (including Numen), three as Viking, two as Folk, and one as Pagan. In its list of Basque Extreme Metal groups, the Encyclopedia Mettalum lists 19 Black Metal bands, and seven Pagan Metal bands (three of which are also classified as Folk Metal); Numen is listed as Black/Folk Metal. The genre discrepancies described previously are evident here: the two sources above agree on the classification of only one group (Omendark as Pagan Metal); on their MySpace page, Aiumeen Basoa (Forest of Screams) describe themselves as ‘Basque Pagan/Folk pioneers’, while they are categorized as Folk Metal.

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